How to run React Native at appetize
In this article, I show you how to run React Native at appetize. I never thought that I would encounter such a problem upload and launch React Native iOS to Appetize in 2018, namely the search for an online emulator to run an application on React Native under ios. In 2016, there were several online emulators on the market:
- React Native Playground — do not work
- — do not work
- – still working
- Siphon — do not work
3 of 4 projects are closed. Appetize alone. It took several hours of surfing the Internet and trying to upload your react native app there. Below is a detailed guide on how to load the react native app to appetize.
Here are 6 simple steps on how to upload and run React Native at appetize
1. React Native ejection iOS app if you use Expo
The first step is to eject your application from react native to get the native code for ios. In the root folder of the application, run from the terminal react-native eject
2. Open .xcodeproj file
The second step is to go to the ios folder that appeared in the root folder of your application and open the .xcodeproj file using Xcode.
3. Remove localhost from info.plist
Open Info.plist and inside App Transport Security settings and Exception Domains. You need to find localhost and remove it.
4. Build a release configuration.
Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme in Xcode. Select the “Release” tab and set the “Build Configuration” drop-down menu for the release.
5. Build an app with release scheme
Select Product -> Build from XCode or build the app from the command line using this command inside root folder of your react native project:
react-native run-ios --configuration Release
6. archive and upload to appetize
Make .zip archive the “build” folder inside “ios” folder. And upload to appetize ios. That’s it! Enjoy!
Originally published at on February 23, 2019.